Bryan is third from the left in the front row.
Each year there is a gathering at a university in Turku called the American Voices Seminar. It is attended by university students, especially those doing North American Studies, and the presenters are American Fulbright recipients in Finland. This year's seminar took place in October, 2010.The presenters are given a lot of freedom on the topic of their presentation, and our family did a presentation about what we like about Halloween - mainly costumes, trick-or-treating, being with friends or family and eating candy (Thank you to friends who sent us Halloween photos). The girls put on costumes; Brooke was a ghost, Analeise was a bunny. They had a good public speaking experience, and they handed out candy we brought from the states (Starbursts, Jolly Ranchers and Skittles)at the end of the presentation.

We came upon a museum, Aboa Vetus/Ars Nova. Combining the archeological dig of a medieval section of town and a diverse collection of modern art, the museum's fascinating and full of contrast. If you're in Turku, I'd recommend the museum.
One of the main architectural attractions in the city is Finland's National Shrine, the Turku Cathedral. The foundation was laid in the 1200's, and the church was dedicated as the main cathedral of Finland in 1300. We did not go inside but were able to appreciate the building on a beautiful fall day.
While there is religious diversity in Finland, the country's over 80% Lutheran, with Christmas and Easter being very important holidays. In Turku, the start of Christmas is announced on Christmas Eve on the balcony of this city building:
There is a medieval castle in Turku can be found by following the Aura River to the ocean.
It is over 700 years old, was heavily damaged both by attacks and fire and then finally in a bombing during WWII. The castle went through a huge restoration which was finalized in the 1980's and 90's.
While a lot of the castle has been relatively newly recreated, you can still see murals and walk in tight spiral staircases that are centuries old and imagine what life must have been like long ago. The castle is now one of Finland's most visited museums, and if you go, take some time to sit on one of the numerous windows' benches. Also, if you are going to, or coming from Sweden on a ferry, the dock is within walking distance of the castle.
Bonus photos and a video:
I took this video of Analeise right by the Turku Cathedral. By the way, she dropped her phone somewhere around the church, and a nice woman who works there found it and mailed it back to us.
Here are some photos of the Aura River:
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