My parent's, Becky and Denny, visited Finland for three weeks starting in mid-September. First they saw our cousin Valto and his family, who took them around Helsinki and then three hours north-east to Mikkeli to see Valto's mom and sister and her family. They had a great time jumping in lakes after saunas, visiting museums, and going on Valto's boat. He loaned them a car they used to drive to our place in Tampere.
Their timing couldn't have been better, because it meant they were with us for Analeise's fourteenth birthday. As Bryan had to be in Rovaniemi for a department meeting, we took a train and met him there for Analeise's birthday weekend.
Rovaniemi is situated along the edge of the arctic circle in northern Finland in an area called Lapland. Lapland is gorgeous, rocky and full of forests and lakes. It extends into Sweden, Norway and Russia and is the traditional homeland of Sami people.
The Sami were (and to some extent still are) a nomadic people whose livelihood depended on shepherding reindeer. There are between six and thirteen different groups (depending on who you ask), or tribes of Sami people, each with distinctive dialects, types of dress, customs, etc. We were very lucky during our Rovaniemi visit to spend time with Tim Frandy, an American PhD candidate who is in Finland on a Fulbright scholarship. He spent the majority of the 2010 summer living in a tent, learning and recording spoken Sami and eating his fair share of reindeer.
With Tim as our guide, we visited the Arktikum museum, which deserves its solid reputation. The museum houses exhibits about the Sami people, the northern lights, the biology of the area and more.
Unlike in southern Finland, where the leaves change mainly to yellow during the fall, Rovaniemi's trees offer the full range of fall colors. Finns call that time "Ruska" (pronounced Roos-ka), which means "brown," but also "the fall colors."
Bryan's department went on a hike in a national forest one and a half hours north of Rovaniemi. Here are three photos from that excursion.

Knowing that we are missing our pups in Wisconsin, Bryan arranged an off-season visit to one of Rovaniemi's dog safari parks. We kept the visit as a surprise for the girls until Analeise's birthday morning. Can you imagine driving into a forest to find 297 husky and malamute dogs?
All the male dogs are leashed to their own tree. Most of the female dogs are in large kennels, which helps prevent un-planned cubs. Young dogs are paired in a kennel with another dog, usually a well-behaved and older one, so that they have someone from whom to learn. As "working dogs" their year revolves around the winter season, with rest in the spring and summer and training in the fall.
It seems that we pet 100 of the dogs, and while they barked, it wasn't overwhelmingly noisy. I understand that is not the case when it is feeding time in the evening! Brooke did get a bite (no broken skin, but a scare) when she stuck her hand in the wrong dog's kennel. Our wise guide finished our visit by letting the girls pet the puppies again.
Not all of Rovaniemi is above the edge of the arctic circle, and Analeise wanted to cross that line on her birthday. Going to the dog safari had accomplished that goal, but across the road from the dog safari, Santa's village has the line marked. Finns claim that Santa lives in Rovaniemi, and this is held as true by many children. The place is touristy but is quite fun. If you happen to be in Rovaniemi and have children, I'd recommend going. There are shops, a cafe and the area where you can visit Santa. Visting Santa is free, but be prepared to shell out money if you want a photo with him. By the way, Brooke asked Santa for a set of drums for Christmas, and Analeise asked for a set of ear plugs. Yep, sisters.
After we met Santa, we went downtown to do some shopping before heading back to the hotel for some rest. Somehow Becky and Denny seem to hone in on the best stores. They found one called Aarnivalkea, which is one of the two Rovaniemi shops that sell only Finnish items. Aarnivalkea specializes in items made in Finland's Lapland. It has a fantastic variety of knives with gorgeous birch handles, silver jewelry, birch (and other wood) kitchen tools, Christmas decorations and more. They even sell reindeer leather.
In the background is a man named Tom. His wife Juleen is another professor here in Finland on a Fulbright. They live many hours away from Rovaniemi and just happened to be in town at the same time as us. We ran into them in this shop. Fun coincidence.
After Analeise had happily spent some of her birthday money, we went back to our hotel. While the rest of the gang rested, Analeise, Becky and I went on a hike. The sun was shining, so we got to see the full effect of Rovaniemi's stunning "Ruska." That evening we ordered pizza and had store-bought cake, after which Analeise opened the last of her gifts. Birthdays at the arctic circle have their charms.